Sunday, September 13, 2020 | Granite Beach, Folsom Lake SRA
Each athlete registered for the Folsom Lake Sprint Triathlon will receive swim cap and a Folsom Lake Triathlon neck gator/face mask.
Commemorative Folsom Lake Sprint Triathlon race t-shirts are available for $15 when ordered before September 7th.
Start Times:
- Folsom Lake Sprint Triathlon: 8 a.m. with ten waves of ten athletes.
- Folsom Lake Sprint Triathlon: Swim 400 yards – Bike 10 miles – Run 2 miles
Swim Course – The race starts from the beach in with a 400 yard swim from the beach area. Water temperature should be approximately 70 degrees. Wetsuits are allowed. The swim will exit the lake and head up the beach and on a grassy path to the transition area located in the parking area.

Bike Course – The bike course is a 10 mile course within Granite Beach Park. Riders must stay to the right at all times! Passing is allowed in a timely manner when it is safe to do so. After passing return to the right side of the road and continue to ride safely. Failure to do so will result in a drafting penalty or disqualification. Crossing the centerline at ANY time will also result in disqualification. The Bike course will Not have an aid station. Water and electrolyte beverage, along with energy gels will be available in the transition area..
Transition Area
The transition area at all TBF Racing events is for athletes only. All non-athletes must remain outside of the transition area at all times on race day. Bodymarking will be take place at the entrance to the transition area and must be completed before you enter the transition area. Athletes will have their race number marked on their legs and arms and have their age division on their calf. Glass or bottles are not allowed in the transition area.
Aid Stations
Aid stations will be located in the transition area and at mile 1 on the run course, serving cold water, Hammer energy gels, and electrolyte beverage.
Packet Pickup
Packets can be picked up on-site race morning from 6:00am -8:30a.
There is a $12 parking fee per vehicle.
Schedule of Events
6:00 am | Registration and Packet pick up open |
6:00 am | Transition Area opens |
7:00 am | Race announcements begin |
8:00 am | Sprint Triathlon Start |
Entry Fees
Folsom Lake Sprint Triathlon (no race-day registration) |
$90 |
Refund and transfer policy
TBF Racing has a no refund policy on all of our events. A refund requested prior to race week will be given a TBF Race credit for the amount of the entry fee minus a $25 processing fee. Credits are not given during race week. Transfers are allowed from one TBF Racing event to another within a one-year time frame. There is a $25 transfer fee. Transfers are not allowed during race week. ALL TBF Racing events are held rain or shine.
Race for FREE program
Our Race for FREE Athlete Volunteer Program offers a chance to get involved with multi-sport events, have fun, and earn a $40 TBF Racing Volunteer voucher good towards entry fees at any of our events this year. Each volunteer shift is 4 hours. We ask volunteers to reserve a volunteer position at any of our events by emailing volunteersi@totalbodyfitness.com as our volunteer positions will fill up quickly.
Granite Beach, Folsom Lake SRA
Physical Address: 8000 Douglas Blvd, Granite Bay, CA 95746
Granite Bay State Park on Folsom lake is located at the end of Douglas Blvd, 5-6 miles East of I-80. Turn right at the third stop sign after entering the park for the Granite Beach parking lot. There is a $12 vehicle charge for day-use or $125 for an annual pass. Contact phone: 916 988 0205.
Annual Day Use Passes are available for $125 here. These passes are valid for 12 months from purchase